报告题目:The power of words - CEOs’ psychological influences
报告摘要:We use the psycholinguistic analysis methods to investigate how CEOs’ psychological factors influence their types of departure i.e. voluntary and involuntary CEO turnovers in the FTSE all share index companies. Apart from those conventional reasons, e.g. firms’ prior performance,CEOs’ power, their future focus attention (FFA) and negative emotion (NE) provide crucial explanations determining their turnover types. Empirically, this study identifies that the level of CEOs’ FFA, signaling the planned career management behaviors, will increase the likelihood of voluntary CEO turnover. We also found that the level of CEOs’ NE, reflecting the uncooperative behaviors, will increase the likelihood of involuntary CEO turnover. Integrating both cognitive and emotional factors, appreciating the proactive roles of CEOs in the leadership succession process, the comprehensive views of this research help us better understand whether the departing CEOs leave their positions voluntarily or involuntarily.
黄庆安博士,英国国家高等教育学会会士(FHEA),卡斯商学院(CASS,金融城,伦敦大学)管理学博士,金斯顿大学研究方法论硕士,南安普顿大学MBA,格拉斯哥大学国际管理硕士,华南师大教管(心理学)学士。东伦敦大学战略管理学副教授(终身教职),博士生导师,国际商务硕士专业副主任,MBA战略学科主任;广东财经大学国际商学院院长,教授。广东外语外贸大学客座教授。曾任英国广东总商会理事,副秘书长;长江出版传媒集团战略顾问;天恒通控股有限公司(英),董事;华盟快递(英),首席战略师;金斯顿大学商学院创业学讲师及人文学院国际文化讲师,ESRC项目研究员;南安普顿Yellowfin浮体动力公司(获英女王企业推动奖,Queen's Award for Enterprise Promotion)企发部总监。也是美国管理学会(AoM),英国管理学会(BAM),美国战略管理学会(SMS)会员。主要研究方向及方法论是社科研究方法论,高层领导人心理学,企业家精神,战略管理,国际商务,企业国际化,非介入性研究,系统文献及情报回顾。