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Financial times top 50 journals​

作者: 日期:2019年11月29日 14:36 来源: 关注:

Financial times top 50 journals

  1. Academy of Management Journal

  2. Academy of Management Review

  3. Accounting, Organizations and Society

  4. Administrative Science Quarterly

  5. American Economic Review

  6. Contemporary Accounting Research

  7. Econometrica

  8. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

  9. Harvard Business Review

  10. Human Relations*

  11. Human Resource Management

  12. Information Systems Research

  13. Journal of Accounting and Economics

  14. Journal of Accounting Research

  15. Journal of Applied Psychology

  16. Journal of Business Ethics

  17. Journal of Business Venturing

  18. Journal of Consumer Psychology

  19. Journal of Consumer Research

  20. Journal of Finance

  21. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

  22. Journal of Financial Economics

  23. Journal of International Business Studies

  24. Journal of Management*

  25. Journal of Management Information Systems*

  26. Journal of Management Studies

  27. Journal of Marketing

  28. Journal of Marketing Research

  29. Journal of Operations Management

  30. Journal of Political Economy

  31. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science*

  32. Management Science

  33. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management*

  34. Marketing Science

  35. MIS Quarterly

  36. Operations Research

  37. Organization Science

  38. Organization Studies

  39. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

  40. Production and Operations Management

  41. Quarterly Journal of Economics

  42. Research Policy*

  43. Review of Accounting Studies

  44. Review of Economic Studies*

  45. Review of Finance*

  46. Review of Financial Studies

  47. Sloan Management Review

  48. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal*

  49. Strategic Management Journal

  50. The Accounting Review


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